
Monday, November 7, 2011

First Steps

So every photographer says, "I want to capture your memories."  That is our goal, capture a moment in time and freeze it for our clients to treasure forever.  Most of the time, that consists of a smile, a goofy grin, the kids posed for that perfect picture.  So this Sunday when I went to clients home to take some pictures of their two little ones, this was what I expected.  I'd photographed them before in the studio and we decided that we'd do the next session at their home so the kids would be a little more comfortable and they were.  It started out as a typical session.  Getting Tenley and Ty to smile was my mission. 

Then something really cool happened:

Tenley took her first steps! Her dad looked at me and said "she's never done that before!"  So he had her do it again, and again...then called mom and grandma in to see!  It was so cool and we captured it!  We truly froze a moment in time that is priceless....her first steps!

It's time like this that I feel so blessed to be able to do what I do!  I love my job!

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