
Friday, August 5, 2011

Looking for Senior Reps!

Are you a senior graduating in 2012?  Do you need to find a place to have your senior pictures taken?  Do your parents want to save some money on your senior pictures?  Would you like to earn some $$$ for doing nothing more than taking great pictures and showing them to your friends? I have a deal for you :)  Be a Senior Rep for Occasions! Photography! I am looking for 2012 Seniors from Warren Central, Southport, Beech Grove, New Pal, or any other school you might attend.

What's a Senior Rep you ask?  Well, you would be my "spokesperson" at your school to help get other seniors to have their pictures taken here.  In exchange for you sending your freinds and classmates to me, you get The Ultimate Senior Experience Session for about 1/2 price, professional make-up for your session, PLUS extra sessions and lots of extras. AND....for every referral you send my way, you get a $20 gift card....and not a gift card to spend with me, but a gift card YOU want....iTunes, Gas Cards, Visa Gift Cards, etc.

Here are some of the items you get for being a Senior Rep:

Keepsake Box - great for keeping grad announcements, pictures, jewelry,etc

100 Senior Rep Cards - personalized with you senior pictures to give out to your friends. Each one that makes it's way back to me with a booking senior you get a $20 gift card.

You choice of an Aluminum Water Bottle, Dog Tag or Accordian Book all personalized with your senior pictures

AND MORE....Aluminum Wallet Tin to hold your wallet prints or Rep Cards and great discounts on prints and other products!  I'm always changing the Senior Rep Kit up and adding new products!

Call me today @ 997-5009 or email me to find out more about becoming a Senior Rep for your school!

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