
Friday, September 25, 2009

Fall Photos at Lark Ranch - Greenfield

Lark Ranch

We visited this pumpkin patch last year and it was really fun.  I just got back from there this evening and they have even more neat stuff this year. They have a huge corn maze, hayrides, bonfire, food, pumpkins and plenty of stuff for the kiddos! It opens tomorrow and will be open every weekend through Halloween.

I will be out there weekends during October (10/3 - 10/25) taking pictures from about 12noon until 5 or 6 in the evening.  Come on by, enjoy the activities and stop by and see me and have your family picture taken in a really cool fall atmosphere.  There is no charge for the pictures, this is a promotion that I'm doing to gain some exposure and expand my client base.  All pictures will be posted on a special Lark Ranch website and you will receive a discount coupon for a free 5x7 print from the website. 

Hope to see you there!

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