
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Liam - September 20, 2009

This little guy is one of my 5 great nephews.  It is so weird because with Liam, I feel like I'm taking pix of his dad - he is a mirror image of him!  Those eyes are just mesmerizing! 

Peyton & Spencer

These two were so sweet!

Erin & Jeremiah - September 19, 2009

Still working on these pics, but here a few of my favs from my last wedding of the month!

The kiss!

The relaxed groom.

The beautiful bride.

The church has beautiful stained glass windows!  Just awesome.

Yea!  Their married!! 

The First Dance.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fall Photos at Lark Ranch - Greenfield

Lark Ranch

We visited this pumpkin patch last year and it was really fun.  I just got back from there this evening and they have even more neat stuff this year. They have a huge corn maze, hayrides, bonfire, food, pumpkins and plenty of stuff for the kiddos! It opens tomorrow and will be open every weekend through Halloween.

I will be out there weekends during October (10/3 - 10/25) taking pictures from about 12noon until 5 or 6 in the evening.  Come on by, enjoy the activities and stop by and see me and have your family picture taken in a really cool fall atmosphere.  There is no charge for the pictures, this is a promotion that I'm doing to gain some exposure and expand my client base.  All pictures will be posted on a special Lark Ranch website and you will receive a discount coupon for a free 5x7 print from the website. 

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Carie & Andy - September 12, 2009 - Part II

Almost finished!   Have some final edits to do and will be ready to post the galleries.  In the  mean-time here are some more images to check out! 

Carie & Andy - hope you are enjoying your honeymoon! 

The Happy Couple's First Dance

The Girls at the hair salon.

Getting ready to get hitched!

The best man making sure the groom is ready to go.

The guys chillin'

The groom with his boys!

Carie & he mom

Carie and Mom & Dad

The flower girl checking out the flowers

How beautiful were these girls?!

Beautiful Bride

She doesn't look excited does she?

The guys at their finest.

Everyone's excited - Carie & Andy are married!

The beautiful couple

Stealin' a kiss

You can't keep 'em apart!

The frist dance

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Upcoming Fall Photography Events

Look for more details coming next week as to WHEN & WHERE. 

Some of you may remember back a few years ago, Jeff Johansen from Johansen Photography and I did a collaboration called Pictures in the Park at Holcomb Gardens over on Butler Univ campus.  We have been asked numerous time if we will be doing that again and the answer is Yes - but we are working out the details now.

Also, we will be setting up at a pumpkin patch in Greenfield several different days throughout October and taking fall photos - this would be a wonderful opportunity to get a nice family photo taken in the beautiful fall colors and enjoy a great day at the pumpkin patch. 

Keep watching my blog for more information - we hope to have things in motion and dates, times and specifics next week! 

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Carie & Andy - September 12, 2009

Last night was Carie & Andy wedding and it was beautiful.  I wish all my brides, grooms, wedding party, families were this great!  For the first time in my 4 years of doing weddinga - everyone was ON TIME, DRESSED, and IN THE CHURCH to start pictures!  It was awesome!  Carie, Andy and their families are the sweetest peaople - it was truly an honor to share in their special day, it's events like these that make me love my job - it doesn't seem like work when it's fun and entertaining. 

Here is a sneak peak:  thanks Jeff Johansen (my 2nd shooter) for getting these processed and posted so I could spend today (My Wedding Anniversary) with my wonderful husband.

Jeff getting his cake and eating it too!
The Wedding Pary
The beautiful flower girl.
Andy searching for the garter.
The wedding party's reacting when I said, "okay, you are ALL done!"
Flip flops and flowers - doesn't get any better.
The girls giving the groom a lift!
The bride getting ready to throw the bouquet.