I will be quite honest, I was not looking forward to shooting last weekend. I had 4 shoots scheduled for Sunday and it was going to be a beautiful day. However, I got a call mid week from my best friend that her father had passed away. This was unexpected and desvastaing news. I've known this man since i was in the 4th grade. The funeral was scheduled for Sunday. I had shoots scheduled at 10 am Engagement Shoot, 1pm Senior Shoot, 3pm Senior Shoot, & 5pm Senior Shoot. Well the 3pm was for my best friends daughter, so that was cancelled obviously. I cancelled my 1pm shoot, but didn't want to cancel the other two as they had been scheduled for awhile and I wanted to get them in. But I really wasn't up for shooting, so I thought. I got up Sunday morning, dreading the day that I go to be with my friend as she buries her father. My 10am appointment Carie & Andy show up and my day begins. I had the best time with this couple! They are young, energectic (well sorta, Andy wanted to nap everytime I had them get down on the floor) and just a very cute couple. They have been together for 3 years and they are planning to be married next fall. They just glowed with love for one another. They instantly made my outlook on a gloomy day better. We did some studio shots then headed outside, the day was brisk, but beautiful and the fall colors were perfect.
After Carie & Andy, I had to get ready and headed to the funeral. My next appointment was at 5pm. It was a senior shoot for twin girls! I have been looking forward to this for awhile and after some scheduling conflicts we finally got it together and they were coming. I got a call for their mom on my way back to my house asking if they can bring some friends with them to be in a few of their pictures. What a fabulous idea!!! "Buddy-Pictures!" The girls arrived and the fun began. I had a blast with these girls! I got all 6 of them (yes! I said 6) outside in my front yard and we did a lot of different stuff using the trees, the brick on my house and my front porch. The girls had so much fun they were jumping!
We did some great stuff with all the girls - here is another one:
Then it was time to get down to business with Kasie & Kylie. They came prepared, with their letter jackets and cheerleading outfits to their formal prom dresses. We went to town! They definetly were the highlight of my day!
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