Hello, welcome to my blog. This is my first venture into blogging so bear with me. I'm sure it will be an adventure.
A little bit about me....I am a 37 year old (am I really that close to 40?!) wife, mother, corporate america peon and Photographer. If that sounds like a lot - it is!!! But I love my life! I love my family! I love my friends! And I love, love, love being behing the camera.
I got serious with photography when my daughter, Lauren, was born. At the time I had the typical point & shoot digital camera and since this was my first biological child, I was very “shutter happy.” Always taking pictures!
After taking my daughter to a children’s photo studio for her first “professional” portraits, $210 later, I left and was stunned at how little I had to take home. I studied the portraits and compared them to snapshots I had done and I realized that this is something I can do and
something I love to do.
I invested in a professional digital camera, signed up to take some classes, joined a photography club and began shadowing other photographers to gain knowledge. I began taking pictures, lots of pictures! The best part was the fact that I did them, this was my work, and that was very gratifying. Being able to see that memory on the wall of my child became a point of satisfaction for me.
As friends and family began seeing these photographs of Lauren and JT, they began to request that I take their portraits, their children's portraits and before long, requests were coming from friends of friends.
My primary goal is to do something I enjoyed and at the same time, give my clients affordable, quality portraits. To see the joy that these portraits bring to mothers, fathers and grandparents energizes me to move forward and offer my services to others that desire to capture life’s precious memories...for today, tomorrow and forever.
As my journey into photography moves forward, I have learned so much from so many people and I know I have more to learn. I wil try my best to keep my journey posted here and share the ride.
Thanks to all of you that have supported me in the past, present and future!
Criss :)