
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Blog Updating - MIA! Facebook vs. Blog - Facebook wins for now :)

So I have been very bad at keeping up with my blog and apologize for this.  I'm trying to find value in having a blog AND a Facebook page.  I feel like if I post on my Facebook page it would be a duplication on my blog. this time, I'm using my Facebook page as my "blog" for the time being.   So check it out and I'll keep you updated when I get my blog back up and going. 

Occasions! FaceBook Page

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Baby Theo

I'm trying to catch up on my blogging....this session was back before Christmas.  This little girl was sooooo good!  I couldn't believe it, she only cried when mom and dad changed her cloths, once she was changed she was all happy!  Here are a few of my favorites...

I love the look on her face in the middle picture - it's like "what in the world am I doing in a stocking?!"


Too funny, she looks like she's ready to fight!