
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween, Fall Leaves and Beautiful Baby Lia!

Great weekend!  Despite the rain friday, it was a good weekend.  Friday took Lauren to her school for the "Spooky Stroll"  They watched a movie then Trick-or-Treated to all the classrooms then made cookies!  Lauren wanted to be Dorothy this year:

for the real Trick or Treating she got really into character - with the wig!
Kinda creepy - don't ya think?

JT was scary pumpkin guy

Then today John worked in the yard and JT and Lauren helped (I think!)
I captured this pix of Lauren and I LOVE it! 

Then I had a photo an in-home photo shoot with Lil Miss Lia!  6monts hold and she just learned to set up last night - just in time for pictures - woo hoo!  I just got the pix downloaded, but here are a few - more to come!

Now football is over - Yea Colts - still undefeated!  Yea Bears better weekend than last week.  Now I'm shutting down and relaxin'.  Have a great weekend.