
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sweet Baby Lia

I got to meet Baby Lia today! Such a pretty little girl! How precious. She was baptized today and we took some quick shots of her in her dress and with her mommy & daddy. Will post more later, but just had to get a few up - isn't she just precious?!

For being off her schedule and all the stuff she had to do today, she really was a good baby - got fussy a few times, but mommy and daddy soothed her back to smiles.

andn grandpa or grandma were there there to help - I think she was eyeing grandpa in this picture.

Just beginning to process will have more to post later :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Outdoor Fun

Abbie was loving life in front of the camera on Sunday! There aren't many pictures where she isn't smiling, because she wouldn't stop smiling! Not a bad thing, but most 12 year old kids I have to beg to smile. Not Abbie! She was a lot of fun.