
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Great Friday Family Shoot

I am doing this couple's wedding in September. A year later than they planned, but after a lot of hard work and patience they are on track to have their wedding this fall.

Tonight they came over and brought their 2 boys and we had a great time doing family pictures as well as their engagement pictures. The boys were great! Patient and well behaved and funny!

As for Jeannie and Todd, they are such a great couple! I can't wait for their wedding, it's gonna be a beautiful day!

Here are a few shots from tonights shoot:

Friday, May 29, 2009

Pictures in the Park - Ray Family

The Ray Family Pictures are done! On-line web gallery (password protected) is up. Here are a few of the final shots.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pictures in the Park

What a beautiful family! I first met this family in October of 2007. I was blown away by these two little ones. They were so easy to photograph and just adorable - Corbin wasn't even walking at the time. Since then I have taken their pictures a few times and seeing how they grow is awesome.

We have tried several times to set up family pictures, but timing just hasn't worked out, until Saturday. We finally did it - we got Dad in the pictures!

I have just done a quick pass thru but I think they are going to be great!
Here are a few that I have pulled out to share....