
Friday, February 27, 2009

Courtney 2009

Courtney was my first senior shoot of 2009. She had lots of cool outfits to change into. By the time we were done I don't know who was more tired -her or me! I'm sure me, she is young and full of energy!

I'm pleased with how the images are turning out and hope she will be too. Here are a few of my favs from the shoot.

I have to include this one. My studio is in my home and we have 2 black labs. Well, Bubba (our male lab) just needs constant attention. We are in the studion and all of sudden there is Bubba in the room and he just walks over and sits right down in front of Courtney and looks at me like, "what cha waitin' for, take the picture." So I took it and it's great! Doesn't he look like a Big Sweetie?!